Tuesday 13 November 2012

Rachael Rose Sales-Guest Blog

Hey my name is Rachael Rose Sales,

I first met Karissa in April. I was standing by myself out the front of the Royal National Hotel with a cigarette hanging out of my mouth thinking "omfg everyone here looks like the biggest noob..." I was really not looking forward to my Contiki trip. I'm sure everyone was also standing there thinking "I hope that dero chick isn't on our tour" bahahaha But then literally like a beam of light Karissa appeared. She came and stood next to me and dumped her thousands of belongings on to the ground and let out a big sigh. I was hungover as hell, with no makeup on and still wearing the clothes from last night but still Karissa decided to befriend me. I knew straight away that it takes a strong person to approach me looking like the way I did hahahaha we literally chatted for about 2 minutes and I immediately knew that she was going to be my bestie. It was amazing how we both cut loose and were just immediately so comfortable with each other that we could talk about anything. We knew we wouldn't judge each other and respected each others opinions, so much even though we'd only just met. It was so incredible to make such a connection like that and I was so thankful that I had found her that day. We sat next to each other on the bus and chatted straight for 6 hours about everything under the sun; and from that day we were inseparable, people actually thought we had come on Contiki together! hahaha

Contiki was made special because of Karissa, it definitely wouldn't have been the same or anywhere near as awesome as it was without her. We have so many common interests, morals and ideals and we always shared a laugh with one another. My most fond memory is when we were in Bordeaux in France and Jess, Tamara, Tay-Tay and Karissa all choreographed a song to "man eater" to represent me and my antics on contiki bahahaha. Karissa and I made up a new quote for each country, we would always give each other the best advice but i think the best part was we both knew when to shut up hahahaha especially when we hungover on the bus!!!!!

I was lucky enough to visit 11 different countries with K-Rissole and I can't wait until we can do it all over again! I was especially lucky to have her here looking after me when I broke my leg in London. Words cannot describe how much I am in debt to this woman. She was my absolute rock in London when I had no one else. I can never repay her for her generosity and the time she spent cheering me up when i was in the dumps. It was amazing how much she could brighten up my day just by walking through my front door! Her smile is seriously contagious, it's the best.

Karissa and I also taught each other things. She took me to my first proper origin game at the Walkabout (Aussie Pub) in London. There she taught me all the rules of the game whilst we had a few wines. It was one of the best days and I really got in to the game! Those who know me well know I used to never have the time for sport! It was such a funny day, and I was telling everyone I had broken my leg cause I had base jumped off the Eiffel tower bahahahaha!!! Can't believe how many idiots actually believed us!

It's amazing how many songs and things remind me of her. You always know someone has left their mark when a song comes on the radio and you smile to yourself just remembering all the awesome times you had with someone.

Karissa had to get used to my incessant singing and me always walking around naked bahahaha she had a lot to put up with over the few months we were together! In ways I brought her out of her shell and in ways she brought me out of mine.

I am a better person for having met this woman. She's an outgoing gorgeous blonde bimbo from a small town, but boy does she have a big heart! She's not afraid of conflict and standing up for what she believes in, and that's one of the best qualities anyone can have. She loves to party allll day and allll night but she is also awesome to sit down and have a D&M with. I love how everyday her mentality is "come on world, whatchya gunna throw in my direction this time," and even though she's been through heartbreak and turmoil, never, not ONCE does she let herself be the victim. She takes control of the situation and kicks it in the nuts!

I love how, like me, she makes assumptions of people before meeting them, but she is always willing to still get to know them and be as friendly as possible. That's a very important trait. She loves dressing up and looking a million dollars, but she also loves her chow out time and being a couch potato haha which I totally appreciate! She's so freaking generous, always has awesome advice and once you're friends with Karissa you know it's going to be a friendship for life.

I know that Karissa will always have my back, even when she knows I'm wrong hahaha.
Distance won't separate the bond we've made. I can't wait to get back to Australia just so I can sit on the veranda, having a Sauvignon Blanc, a smoke and bitching about everything with Karissa hahaha, they are some of the moments I hold dearest to me.

I love my girl sooooo much. She is my snail bestie for life.
Karissa, I wouldn't have you any other way. you're the perfect friend and I'M GLAD YOU CAME hahaha (sorry but I had to!). Xxxxx

Beers in Munich

Carrying around the cripple

Rachael in Paris

Us at Notting Hill Carnivale

Celebrating Hudson's birth :)

Us on the Contiki bus in Italy

Caricature of us in Barcelona

Looking over Monaco

Drunk in France

First origin ever-The walkabout London

Us in Florence

Rachael and I in Paris

Yummy pizza in London

clubbing in Paris

Us in Paris

Chilling in Hyde park, London


Pizza girls in Rome

Clogs in Edam

Yep Rach beat me in an arm wrestle

One of many crazy 'Rachael' faces lol

Canal cruise in Amsterdam

Sculling jugs in Florence

Dinner and wines in London


clubbing in Amsterdam

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